From a "LIVE" perspective we implement the principles of the SDGs through our campus operations. We strive to sustain a healthy environment and community through the ways in which we care for and promote our biodiverse grounds.

Bee orchid in front of engineering building

Biodiversity at NUI Galway

NUI Galway recognises that landscape, ecosystems and biodiversity are of significant environmental, economic, social and health value to students, staff and the wider community. The University boasts Ireland’s most biodiverse campus and will continue to promote a healthier, more sustainable and green campus environment. For example, through a bee apiary, organic gardens, wildflower sites and fruit beds, as well as more sustainable management practices.

We are committed to enhancing the student and staff awareness of biodiversity issues on campus and will promote the campus as an educational and recreational resource. Interacting with nature can also benefit people’s health and wellbeing; for example, time to de-stress, to relax with others, and feel restored. Being in natural environments can provide people with space to problem solve, demonstrate increased levels of cognition, and act with more kindness to others.

NUI Galway Biodiversity Action Plan 2021-2025

The NUI Galway Biodiversity Action Plan 2021-2025 aims to increase and protect biodiversity across the university campus. The Biodiversity Action Plan is divided into sections; actions that can be done quickly and within 2 years, medium term (3-4 years) and long-term (5 years) actions which will take more time to plan, implement and monitor biodiversity enhancement action.

Biodiversity Trail

NUI Galway is committed to enhancing student and staff awareness of biodiversity on campus and have produced a Biodiversity Trail to help promote the campus as an educational and recreational resource. 

daffodils in front of the engineering building

Photo by Prof Chaosheng Zhang‌

Biodiversity Meadows

The University of Galway boasts a number of meadows that support our local pollinators.

These can be found outside the Arts Millennium building, Biomedical Sciences building and the Riverway.

University of Galway Pollinator Plan

University of Galway is an All-Ireland Pollinator Plan Partner and have developed the NUI Galway Pollinator Plan 2018-2020 to help create a campus environment where pollinators can thrive. 

Green Flag for Parks

The University of Galway Landscape and Ground Maintenance Team was awarded the Green Flag for Parks in 2020 and has retained it every year since then. The team looks after our award-winning estate across 105 Hectares along the banks of the River Corrib and Lough Corrib Special Area of Conservation. The team maintains and develops all aspects of the campus landscape in alignment with the All Ireland Pollinator Plan and Biodiversity Action Plan objectives. Further information on the award is on Landscape & Grounds.

The photo below shows the team  - Tony Richardson, Laura O'Connor-M.Hort(R.H.S.) and Tony Griffin. The team is led by Diarmaid Mahon.